Rescue and Rehabilitation of Australian Native Animals Inc

Important Update

It is with deep sadness we announce that after over 30 years of voluntary service to the Community RRANA is coming to an end.
Like so many charity groups, we have found it difficult to attract the quantity of new members required to share the ever-increasing workload.
We ask the public to understand that this has been a difficult decision for our members. It is extremely distressing to have to walk away however as of 1st March we will not be in a position to assist with sick, injured or orphaned wildlife, so please do not contact our members directly.
The RRANA phone will be disconnected on 1st March 2024.
In the absence of a voluntary native wildlife rescue group, it becomes the responsibility of NPWS to fill the void. Their number is (08) 8084 2880 as listed in the header of this website.
All calls must be directed to NPWS. Please contact them so that they are aware of the number of animals in the area that need help.
Our members wish to thank the Broken Hill public for their support and generosity over the years.
Thank you,
The RRANA team 💜

FAQ - Birds

Bird rescue advice

With all rescues be alert to your own possible danger first.

Do's and Don'ts

When rescuing a bird on or next to a highway, put your own safety first.

Never attempt to rescue a large bird such as an eagle or an emu. These rescues require an experienced person to safely handle the bird.

If you are unable to perform the rescue and transport it to RRANA, then call RRANA. If you are unable to wait for a rescuer, if possible report the GPS location, note the road and location where you found the bird and clearly mark the side of the road where the bird is by placing a ribbon or some type of cloth on a nearby post.

If you are unable to contact RRANA call the nearest police station.

Do not keep any rescued bird as this increases its chance of dying.

Do not give the bird any water or other fluid as this is likely to drown the bird.

Do not try to feed the bird as there is a chance you may feed the wrong food to the wrong type of bird and make it sick.

Do not decide to keep a wild Australian native bird as a pet as this is illegal. Some native birds can be purchased and kept as pets, but wild native birds cannot.

Be mindful that stress alone can kill a bird. Keep a rescued bird in a warm and quiet place until help is available.

Q and A's

What should I do if I find a baby bird on the ground?

Make a note of exactly where the bird was found and stand at a distance to see if the parents are present.

Often young birds found on the ground don’t need to be rescued. After attempting to fly from the nest most fledglings (young birds) spend a day or more on the ground with parents in attendance feeding and defending them from danger while they practice flying. Some birds are hatched and raised on the ground but can often be in similar danger.

The parent birds provide their best chance of survival. If there is no imminent danger to a young bird on the ground and its parents are present, it is likely the young bird does not need to be rescued.

Be aware that a high percentage of birds in the wild die before they reach maturity and again staying with their parents is their best chance of survival.


